Top 3 questions that schools ask Sponsorship Ready


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Can our community alliance program run alongside our sponsorship program?

Yes, it sure can.

Keeping in mind there is a big difference between fundraising, donations, philanthropy & genuine sponsorship.

While there are a select number of schools that seem to have an event series that underpins the basic structure to a community engagement initiative or alliance, the revenue derived from them is often negligible, notwithstanding they serve their purpose for sure.

To realise real sponsorship revenue, it’s crucial that a considered and strategic approach is required and that is where Sponsorship Ready’s 3-step framework comes in.

How do we manage our existing sponsors if we introduce a new strategy?

It seems many public and independent schools have some semblance of a sponsorship program in play.

Some even have a family of sponsors with a reasonable sponsorship revenue baseline.

The catch is – how do you unpack an existing program? Do you even have to? How do roll existing sponsors into a new strategy?

All this is part of the Sponsorship Ready program scope.

What support can you give my staff tasked with driving sponsorship?

  • Educate them on how to talk to sponsors about their objectives rather than just trying to sell them on benefits
  • Help them understand what your school has to sell
  • How to ‘change the narrative’ when selling sponsorship. For example, position for perception of ROI versus Philanthropic donations.
  • Provision of a framework or scaffolding and ongoing support
  • Preparing your school to go to market both strategically and with transparency.

Find out how your school can become Sponsorship Ready with a FREE 30-minute strategy session and start succeeding in sponsorship at your school today.