Sponsorship Ready media


Australasian Leisure Management magazine recently published an article by Terry Johnston, Managing Director of Sponsorship Ready. In the ‘A new approach to sport sponsorship’ article Terry highlights the place philanthropy has in sports, and the strategic approach sponsorship management requires.
Terry writes;

“I do not wish to confuse philanthropy with sponsorship. If a club has people willing to donate, bequest, gift and have little expectation in return – that is great! But pitching and acquiring sponsors to create sustainable revenue is a completely different ball game. This is where the opportunity in this adversity exists for clubs. This is exactly where clubs need to pivot.”

In the article, Terry goes on to explain the importance of becoming sponsorship ready, before approaching potential sponsors.

Also in the article, explaining how the Sponsorship Ready program has helped his club, Ross Fisher, President of the Noosa Heads Surf Club, comments “Sponsorship Ready’s program has set the Noosa Heads Surf Life Saving Club up to succeed.

“The professional selling tools that have come from the process are professional and now in line with how we as a club wish to see our brand be portrayed in the market.

“The results have been impressive, and we are genuine contenders in assisting brands connect with the community and moreover deliver commercial return for investment.

“Sponsorship is no longer a handout, we have a strategy now and would recommend the program to any club seeking to go to the next level in raising revenue so they can continue to play the vital role they do in communities.”

You can read the Australasian Leisure Management article on pages 42 – 44 here: https://issuu.com/ausleisure97/docs/australasian_leisure_management_issue_140_2020

Or you can download the article as a pdf here.

Worth a conversation about your club? Complimentary Sponsorship Strategy Session for your committee here https://go.oncehub.com/TerryJohnston

Australasian Leisure Management magazine is a leading source of information for the leisure industry. You can learn more here: https://www.ausleisure.com.au/