3 tips for writing your next school website photography brief


3 tips for writing your next school website photography brief

School websites represent what a school is doing and showcases to their community why they stand out from the rest.

From increasing brand awareness to keeping an open line of communication between schools and their community, it’s never been more important to be capturing new, engaging photos that reflect your school’s purpose, vision, and values.

This said, how do schools effectively communicate exactly what’s required when commissioning a photographer?

Here are 3 tips when it comes to creating the perfect school website photography brief:

Review your school website

Before creating your photography brief, it’s important to review the images currently featured across your school’s website. A few key questions to ask:

  • Does your website photography best represent your school’s purpose, vision, and values?
  • Are the students featured throughout your school website images current?
  • Are the photos cropped in a certain way (i.e. Landscape, Portrait, Square)


While it seems straightforward, it’s important to identify some key details required before engaging a school photographer:

  • Photoshoot Date & Time
  • Location
  • Staff & Student Talent (with Media Approvals)
  • A shot list that reflects your school’s:
    • Values & Brand
    • Programming
    • Community Engagement
    • Inclusivity
    • Health & Wellbeing
    • Infrastructure

Objectives, Brand Guidelines & Usages

After reviewing your school website, it’s important to provide your school photographer with a detailed overview of any key objectives you’re hoping to achieve. This includes:

  • Articulating how and where the images will be featured
    • Website
    • Brochures
    • Social Media etc.
  • Who your target audience is
  • What your school’s USP is
  • Any further context around the message you would like to convey
    TIP: Provide your photographer with a copy of your school brand guidelines to help them develop a deeper understanding of your school, while ensuring a consistent look and feel is achieved when capturing new imagery.

If your school requires support in producing or refreshing its photography, Sponsorship Ready can help in bringing this to life, ensuring all is in conjunction with your school’s key values, objectives, and brand.

Find out more about more on Sponsorship Ready’s photography and other marketing service here or email via info@sponsorshipready.com.au